Who We Are
And how we describe our products
Our work
- We believe our work is who we are, our work is our art. It's how we express ourselves to the world. It's something we're extremely proud to be representing us, we turn mere ideas into masterpieces. We go over it many times every time adding details and removing complexity, again and again and again, until it becomes perfect until it becomes OUR WORK.
- Whether through the UI we design, the wordings we write, or the conferences we hold, people should be delighted through any interaction with our work. If you can make people's lives more delightful. then you made a difference.
- We solve real problems, we don't create the need, and fill it afterward.
- Our products educate our users, through data that provides insights, and through nudges that lead them to discover their talents.
- We believe that our work is our responsibility. If I participate in this part, it's my responsibility to make sure this part represents my work. "I'm not the designer" attitude is not acceptable.
- We don't discriminate between our users, no matter their religion, nationality, color, size of their company or their role in it, we are here to change the world with them and with all of them.
Our Team
- Because our work represents who we are and we only make amazing products, we ought to have an extraordinary team. That's why we only hire and keep great people. That's what makes our workplace so exciting. It's not because we have a fancy office or games. It's because, everyday you have a chance to collaborate with talented people, learn from them, and work with them toward a common vision.
- At Hypatia, we pay employees based on their performance and skills, not on their seniority in the company. We avoid traditional flat raise rates used in most companies. Instead, salaries are directly correlated to the skills of the employee. For each employee, we set clear performance and skill related targets, these targets focus on improving the individuals skills and performance in order to increase their "market value" and their value as part of Hypatia's OP Team.
It doesn't matter if you have a good idea, if you can't communicate it clearly.
- We always work on improving our communication and we always look for ways to express our thoughts in a better way. Great ideas deserve an even greater articulation.
- When we listen, we listen as if the person talking knows something we don't. We listen well and seek to understand before reacting.
- We're extremely candid with each other, we say what we think, when it’s in the best interest of Hypatia, even if it is uncomfortable. We don't "settle" or call something "okay” when it really isn't. Silent disagreement is unacceptable and unproductive. We disagree openly, and we don’t fear conflict.
- We over communicate
- No one is allowed to be a jerk, no matter how special or talented they are. Talented people are capable of being kind.
- For every significant decision there will be a person responsible for steering the ship. We value and consider others' opinions. When a decision is made, it's our responsibility to make sure this decision succeeds even if we disagree with it.
- When a problem arises, we don't just solve it and move on with our lives, we keep digging until we find the root cause and we put a system in place to make sure such problems never arise again.
- We own our fate. We're never at the mercy of someone deciding in our favor or finding the right opportunity, we create the opportunity, we don't get stalled, we never sit down not knowing what to do, we own our fate.
- We're not frogs. Frogs get boiled gradually without noticing, that never happens to us. We always measure ourselves toward our vision and we always make sure we're on the right track. We stand our ground from the first moment, because we know, if we don't it's a slippery slope.
- We’re disciplined and determined, we try again and again and again.
- Most people tend to go with the crowd, that's not us. We think our thoughts and we stand our grounds, no matter how cool the other side seems.
We are proud of being a startup and we embrace the mindset of a startup.
- We don't work harder, we shift the game to our side.
- We change a lot when it brings value. We don’t go easy. If we think something is useful, we apply it at once.
- We iterate a lot and we iterate fast. Our target in every iteration is to learn more. We build many UI's, features, and experiments only to throw them after learning from them, to build an even better and more educated version. We never treat our ideas as facts, our ideas are always experiments waiting to be learned from
- We don't solve problems as everyone does, we innovate our ways.
Security and Privacy
- Our users' information are sacred, they trusted us with them, and we use everything in our power to keep them protected, when we need to access a part of this information we ask for their permission first in a clear and direct way, and we always use the least amount possible to preform the task required.